Reading 1820 Blogs Daily!

  • among the stars again
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December 27, 2022
The mystery is solved! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I see Torry is ripping through the fifth book of The Seven Sisters series while I'm still on number three. OK -- so neither of us really liked one of the sisters, but perhaps she will grow on us. I was surprised this morning to see that I'm almost 50% through the third one, and the historical fiction part and the character-building just pull you in. Yep -- they are romantic, no doubt about it, and that's OK. It's very healthy to read outside your usual genre. 

And here's some GOOD news. I just checked, and the ...

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August 4, 2022
Productive day! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I'm feeling pretty relaxed this morning! I'm going away AGAIN for a couple of days and I have to confess that I didn't run around yesterday trying to get a ton of stuff done and that feels AMAZING. 

I still have some paperwork to do, but could it be there's a light at the end of the tunnel? At least to get caught up on all the mundane stuff that has to be done? I doubt it because it seems the more you do, the more administrative stuff needs to be done. Or there is something ...

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August 3, 2022
Back to back to back from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

So before I tell you all about the back, let's talk about the firsts! 

As you are probably aware, I love to find geocaches. Now I'm not a huge geocache person as I haven't hit 600 yet, but I like to do it from time to time. And it's something fun to do in a location you are visiting. As with all things I love, there are many ways to measure what you do - the number of caches you find, the level of difficulty, the size of the container, and many other things. One thing that ...

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August 2, 2022
Among the Stars Again Show and Tell from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

We had Monday sewing yesterday, and I was so productive, but you'll hear about that tomorrow. 

Today, it's all about the show and tell from one of the sew-alongs at the Hobby Horse. We started the class in January and finished in July. There were some very new quilters in this group who did an AMAZING job at finishing their quilts!

Let's have a look. 

Here's the book we used. 

Among the Stars Again by Its Sew Emma

Here's something to think about -- I encourage the students to change up the pattern if there is ...

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July 12, 2022
Unpacking from retreat from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 OK -- a much better sleep last night. I HATE those sleepless nights - like what a waste of time!

I spent most of yesterday attempting to unpack the bags I took to the retreat. I wanted to ensure that I actioned what needed to be done and not just put it back, where it would be useless for the next retreat or to finish it. Slow and steady -- that's my motto. 

Well, I never found a picture of the car when Dede and I were packed, but I found one I took after I packed my HALF of the vehicle ...

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July 10, 2022
Sewing accomplishments at the retreat from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 HA -- I love the comments - I LOVE them all referring to the Jen Kingwell quilts. Yes, indeed - I LOVE them all, and very hard to pick the one I like the least. They are all so worthy in their own right, and I'm just so darn proud of everyone who finished, and there will be more finished quilts. Those will get posted and added to the appropriate slot to keep them all in the same place. You'll know when that happens. 

It's that bittersweet day at any retreat, as we're going home today. But as usual ...

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July 1, 2022
Happy Canada Day!!! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Happy Canada Day!!

It already looks dull and dark outside, and it's only July 1, a mere 10 days after the Summer Solstice. But it's overcast and no sun! I hope everyone is enjoying the weather, as it's been glorious here the last couple of days. 

So I did something a bit different yesterday. I've been walking for all my errands within a couple of KM of the house. I had to pick up meds for the dogs, which is a bit too far for me to walk. I had two choices - I could get in ...

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June 28, 2022
Why sewing on Zoom is better than inperson from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

OH -- Carla made a good point in her comment. Clutter in her house resulted from gifts people had given her in the past. And isn't that the truth! People think something is so cute and appropriate for you, or they just feel compelled to buy you a gift. The clutter is now gone in her house, and the new rule is NO GIFTS, please! Can you imagine the home of a school teacher? 

I LOVE her new rule, and while I haven't received too many gifts, I can see how it would add up. And think of how ...

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June 27, 2022
Bike helmets SAVE lives, but wear it properly! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I have my cycling clothes on and getting ready to go to the gym for spin class. It's back to the routine schedule. I've been slacking off for the last two weeks with the walking and spinning. It was rare that I made the daily goal of 11.5 KM of walking while away, but I did aim for 10,000 steps in a day! No big deal. 

I recently heard of someone's husband who had a cycling accident. He hit a bump in the road and went head over handlebars. He ended up bruised, scraped, and ...

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April 8, 2022
Murphy's Bed from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!


Tick tock -- the clock is ticking, and while I'm making progress, I don't seem to be working very fast or accomplishing much. Oh well --- it'll all get done sometime! Well, that's not true --- it's just that there is so much that what little I get done doesn't seem to make a dent. We're all in that same boat!

However, a piece of good news -- I found a home for that last tub. That means ALL the tubs are off the floor - well, the main studio floor that is, and they have a home ...

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November 29, 2021
Winter wonderland from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

What a fantastic Virtual Retreat!! I think I accomplished the most I've ever done, and I'm thrilled. We had people from the US, Germany, and across Canada. Loads of fun, and I'm so pleased to say that I've made new friends, and we get to check up on how people are doing in other parts of the world. It's way better than listening to the news! Thanks to everyone who attended. 

I also dug out my Brother Label Maker and two rolls of tape. As the girls said -- why "save" that tape for a better ...

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March 21, 2021
Take a Trip Among the Stars, Again! from Fat Quarter Shop's Jolly Jabber

Come along for a new journey visiting some old familiar friends! It’s Sew Emma’s Among the Stars Again Book combines old blocks from their original Among the Stars quilt book with fresh new stars in a brand new setting. With two zesty new colorways to sample, you will fall in love with this bright spin on a beloved classic!

Reserve your book today to receive 5% off. The book is due out in late April/early May.

The Among the Stars Again quilt is inspired by Kimberly’s deep love of star quilts. Of all the countless quilts ...

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  • among the stars again
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